Launching a process on remote machine using WMI with PowerShell

30 Dec 2017

I yesterday’s post - I have provided C++ code that could connect to a remote machine and launch a process. This time, I will repeat this using PowerSHell.

Here’s a PowerShell function I wrote that uses Invoke-WmiMethod cmdlet. You could also achieve the same using Invoke-CimInstance to create a Win32_Process instance and then call its create method.

# Run Remote Process using WMI
function Run-RemoteProcess
		[string] $Cmdline,
		[string] $Arguments,
		[string] $RemoteComputerName,
		[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential
		$cmd1 = $Cmdline + " " + $Arguments
        Write-Host "Run-RemoteProcess: Executing $cmd1 on $RemoteComputerName"
		$localmachine = $env:computername.ToLower() 
		$RemoteComputerNameLower = $RemoteComputerName.ToLower()
		{	#dont use -credentials if running locally
			$proc = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -ArgumentList $cmd1 -ComputerName $RemoteComputerNameLower
		else {
			$proc = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -ArgumentList $cmd1 -ComputerName $RemoteComputerNameLower -Credential $Credential 
		Write-Host "Run-RemoteProcess: Exception"

# Sample Usage:
# $secpass = ConvertTo-SecureString "Test@Pass1" -AsPlainText -Force
# $DomainCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("\testuser1", $secpass)  
# Run-RemoteProcess -Cmdline "ipconfig.exe" -Arguments "/all" -Credential $DomainCreds -RemoteComputerName ""

To launch the payload, in the last post my approach was to map a network share, and then launch the payload from that share. This involves running the following commands in sequence:

    net use \\<servername>\<sharename> /user:<username> <password>
    \\<servername>\<sharename>\<payload.exe> <switches>
    net use \\<servername>\<sharename> /delete

I can achieve the same in powershell by passing appropriate arguments to my Run-RemoteProcess powershell function.

#Sample Usage:
$secpass = ConvertTo-SecureString "Test@Pass1" -AsPlainText -Force
$DomainCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("\testuser1", $secpass)  

Run-RemoteProcess -Cmdline "net.exe" -Arguments "use \\<servername>\<sharename> /user:<username> <password>" -Credential $DomainCreds -RemoteComputerName ""
Run-RemoteProcess -Cmdline "\\<servername>\<sharename>\<payload.exe>" -Arguments "<switches>" -Credential $DomainCreds -RemoteComputerName ""
Run-RemoteProcess -Cmdline "net.exe" -Arguments "use \\<servername>\<sharename> /delete" -Credential $DomainCreds -RemoteComputerName ""