I have a batch script to parse a csv file and create users on the local machine using net.exe. I typically schedule the script to run under system account once a day using the task scheduler. Recently I made some changes to my user and password name generation script and started seeing the script misbehave. The script completes, but no users were created. When I looked at the task manager I see several instances of net.exe processes with command line argument showing details of each of the 5 users I was trying to create.
As usual – my curiosity aroused, and I took a dump of the process and decided to examine it. Here’s my debug notes, in case you find it useful to solve trifling problems with windbg.
I took a dump of the process and examined its threads:
Original process:
0:000> |
. 0 id: a4c examine name: C:\Windows\System32\net.exe
0:000> ~*k
. 0 Id: a4c.7f4 Suspend: 0 Teb: 000007ff`fffde000 Unfrozen
# Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00 00000000`0010f8b8 000007fe`fd6e10ac ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject+0xa
01 00000000`0010f8c0 00000000`ff8a20cf KERNELBASE!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x79
02 00000000`0010f960 00000000`ff8a2424 net!call_net1+0x163 <-------- creates a net1 process with the following
03 00000000`0010fa50 00000000`ff8a61bc net!xxaction+0x188
04 00000000`0010fa90 00000000`ff8a6275 net!xx_parser+0x1ac
05 00000000`0010fae0 00000000`ff8a1d93 net!xx_parser+0x265
06 00000000`0010fb30 00000000`ff8a8939 net!main+0x33b
07 00000000`0010fba0 00000000`7749652d net!DelayLoadFailureHook+0x19b
08 00000000`0010fbe0 00000000`776cc521 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
09 00000000`0010fc10 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x1d
0:000> !peb
PEB at 000007fffffdb000
InheritedAddressSpace: No
ReadImageFileExecOptions: No
BeingDebugged: No
ImageFile: 'C:\Windows\system32\net.exe'
CommandLine: '"C:\Windows\system32\net.exe" user f201 pristineWoods22 /add /active:yes '
DllPath: 'C:\Windows\system32;;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows\system;C:\Windows;.;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;'
0:000> ub 00000000`ff8a2424
00000000`ff8a2410 142b adc al,2Bh
00000000`ff8a2412 cb retf
00000000`ff8a2413 740a je net!xxaction+0x183 (00000000`ff8a241f)
00000000`ff8a2415 3bcb cmp ecx,ebx
00000000`ff8a2417 7544 jne net!xxaction+0x1c1 (00000000`ff8a245d)
00000000`ff8a2419 e84efbffff call net!call_net1 (00000000`ff8a1f6c)
00000000`ff8a241e cc int 3
00000000`ff8a241f e848fbffff call net!call_net1 (00000000`ff8a1f6c) >> expanding this call
0:000> uF 00000000`ff8a1f6c
00000000`ff8a1f6c 488bc4 mov rax,rsp
00000000`ff8a1f6f 48895818 mov qword ptr [rax+18h],rbx
00000000`ff8a1f73 57 push rdi
00000000`ff8a1f74 4881ece0000000 sub rsp,0E0h
00000000`ff8a1f7b 83600800 and dword ptr [rax+8],0
00000000`ff8a1f7f bf68000000 mov edi,68h
00000000`ff8a1f84 488d4888 lea rcx,[rax-78h]
00000000`ff8a1f88 4c8bc7 mov r8,rdi
00000000`ff8a1f8b 33d2 xor edx,edx
00000000`ff8a1f8d e802720000 call net!memset (00000000`ff8a9194)
00000000`ff8a1f92 897c2470 mov dword ptr [rsp+70h],edi
00000000`ff8a1f96 ff15acf1ffff call qword ptr [net!_imp_GetCommandLineW (00000000`ff8a1148)] gets the net.exe process’s command line
00000000`ff8a1f9c 488bc8 mov rcx,rax
00000000`ff8a1f9f ba20000000 mov edx,20h
00000000`ff8a1fa4 488bf8 mov rdi,rax
00000000`ff8a1fa7 ff15abf3ffff call qword ptr [net!_imp_wcschr (00000000`ff8a1358)]
00000000`ff8a1fad 4883c9ff or rcx,0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh
00000000`ff8a1fb1 488d9424f8000000 lea rdx,[rsp+0F8h]
00000000`ff8a1fb9 488bd8 mov rbx,rax
00000000`ff8a1fbc 33c0 xor eax,eax
00000000`ff8a1fbe 66f2af repne scas word ptr [rdi]
00000000`ff8a1fc1 48f7d1 not rcx
00000000`ff8a1fc4 488db909010000 lea rdi,[rcx+109h]
00000000`ff8a1fcb 8d0c3f lea ecx,[rdi+rdi]
00000000`ff8a1fce e8716f0000 call net!NetApiBufferAllocate (00000000`ff8a8f44)
00000000`ff8a1fd3 85c0 test eax,eax
00000000`ff8a1fd5 7414 je net!call_net1+0x7f (00000000`ff8a1feb) Branch
0:000> uF /c net!call_net1
net!call_net1 (00000000`ff8a1f6c)
net!call_net1+0x21 (00000000`ff8a1f8d):
call to net!memset (00000000`ff8a9194)
net!call_net1+0x2a (00000000`ff8a1f96):
call to kernel32!GetCommandLineWStub (00000000`7749c480)
net!call_net1+0x3b (00000000`ff8a1fa7):
call to msvcrt!wcschr (000007fe`fdfc193c)
net!call_net1+0x62 (00000000`ff8a1fce):
call to net!NetApiBufferAllocate (00000000`ff8a8f44)
net!call_net1+0x6f (00000000`ff8a1fdb):
call to net!ErrorPrint (00000000`ff8a5818)
net!call_net1+0x79 (00000000`ff8a1fe5):
call to net!NetcmdExit (00000000`ff8a5934)
net!call_net1+0x8c (00000000`ff8a1ff8):
call to kernel32!GetSystemDirectoryWStub (00000000`77497120)
net!call_net1+0x98 (00000000`ff8a2004):
call to kernel32!GetLastErrorStub (00000000`774a2dd0)
net!call_net1+0xa2 (00000000`ff8a200e):
call to net!ErrorPrint (00000000`ff8a5818)
net!call_net1+0xac (00000000`ff8a2018):
call to net!NetcmdExit (00000000`ff8a5934)
net!call_net1+0xc9 (00000000`ff8a2035):
call to net!wcscpy_s (00000000`ff8a8aee)
net!call_net1+0xe1 (00000000`ff8a204d):
call to net!wcscat_s (00000000`ff8a8ae2)
net!call_net1+0x126 (00000000`ff8a2092):
call to kernel32!CreateProcessW (00000000`774a1bb0) ----- this is where net1.exe is spawned!
net!call_net1+0x130 (00000000`ff8a209c):
call to kernel32!GetLastErrorStub (00000000`774a2dd0)
net!call_net1+0x13a (00000000`ff8a20a6):
call to net!ErrorPrint (00000000`ff8a5818)
net!call_net1+0x144 (00000000`ff8a20b0):
call to net!NetcmdExit (00000000`ff8a5934)
net!call_net1+0x14f (00000000`ff8a20bb):
call to kernel32!CloseHandleImplementation (00000000`774a2f80)
net!call_net1+0x15d (00000000`ff8a20c9):
call to kernel32!WaitForSingleObject (00000000`774a2b20) - this is where we wait on the handle of the newly created process. This is where we are in frame 2
net!call_net1+0x170 (00000000`ff8a20dc):
call to kernel32!GetExitCodeProcessImplementation (00000000`774912b0)
net!call_net1+0x17b (00000000`ff8a20e7):
call to kernel32!CloseHandleImplementation (00000000`774a2f80)
net!call_net1+0x188 (00000000`ff8a20f4):
call to net!MyExit (00000000`ff8a1df4)
net!xxcondition+0x4d (00000000`ff8a214d):
call to net!IsDeviceName (00000000`ff8a6778)
net!xxcondition+0x59 (00000000`ff8a2159):
call to net!IsWildCard (00000000`ff8a6910)
net!xxcondition+0xa5 (00000000`ff8a21a5):
call to net!ValidateSwitches (00000000`ff8a6964)
net!xxcondition+0xb2 (00000000`ff8a21b2):
call to net!IsDeviceName (00000000`ff8a6778)
net!xxcondition+0xf6 (00000000`ff8a21f6):
call to net!IsWildCard (00000000`ff8a6910)
net!xxcondition+0x100 (00000000`ff8a2200):
call to net!IsDeviceName (00000000`ff8a6778)
net!xxcondition+0x112 (00000000`ff8a2212):
call to net!IsWildCard (00000000`ff8a6910)
net!xxcondition+0x142 (00000000`ff8a2242):
call to net!NetpwNameValidate (00000000`ff8a8f68)
net!xxcondition+0x158 (00000000`ff8a2258):
call to net!IsQualifiedUsername (00000000`ff8a67e0)
net!xxcondition+0x16f (00000000`ff8a226f):
call to net!NetpwNameValidate (00000000`ff8a8f68)
net!xxcondition+0x180 (00000000`ff8a2280):
call to net!IsResource (00000000`ff8a66cc)
So, net.exe seems to be doing its job, it actually spawns a child process. next I dumped the child – net1.exe process (this is for the other user — so the command line shows f205 and corresponding password)
0:000> |
. 0 id: 68c examine name: C:\Windows\System32\net1.exe
0:000> !peb
PEB at 000007fffffdf000
CommandLine: 'C:\Windows\system32\net1 user f205 pikachuVsRaichu&&Ash22 /add /active:yes '
0:000> ~*k
. 0 Id: 68c.8d8 Suspend: 0 Teb: 000007ff`fffdd000 Unfrozen
# Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00 00000000`001ff228 00000000`774a2f58 ntdll!NtRequestWaitReplyPort+0xa
01 00000000`001ff230 00000000`774d5321 kernel32!ConsoleClientCallServer+0x54
02 00000000`001ff260 00000000`774ea65c kernel32!ReadConsoleInternal+0x1f1
03 00000000`001ff3b0 00000000`ff2a3d0e kernel32!ReadConsoleW+0xbc
04 00000000`001ff490 00000000`ff2a7025 net1!GetString+0x56
05 00000000`001ff510 00000000`ff2a373f net1!LUI_YorNIns+0x221
06 00000000`001ff870 00000000`ff29ec52 net1!YorN+0x27
07 00000000`001ff8a0 00000000`ff297ccc net1!user_add+0x1ce
08 00000000`001ffb80 00000000`ff2a5fec net1!xxaction+0x860
09 00000000`001ffbb0 00000000`ff2a60a5 net1!xx_parser+0x1ac
0a 00000000`001ffc00 00000000`ff295c43 net1!xx_parser+0x265
0b 00000000`001ffc50 00000000`ff2a9aa1 net1!main+0x33b
0c 00000000`001ffcc0 00000000`7749652d net1!LsaFreeMemory+0x199
0d 00000000`001ffd00 00000000`776cc521 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
0e 00000000`001ffd30 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x1d
0:000> .frame /r 7
07 00000000`001ff8a0 00000000`ff297ccc net1!user_add+0x1ce
rax=00000000001ff3f0 rbx=0000000000000002 rcx=0000000000000003
rdx=00000000001ff6a0 rsi=00000000ff2920b2 rdi=000000000039e434
rip=00000000ff29ec52 rsp=00000000001ff8a0 rbp=0000000000000001
r8=0000000000000001 r9=00000000001ff518 r10=0000000000000f54
r11=00000000001ff3f0 r12=00000000ff2bdee0 r13=000000000039e3fc
r14=000000000039e406 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246
00000000`ff29ec52 85c0 test eax,eax
0:000> ub 00000000`ff297ccc
00000000`ff297cb1 33c9 xor ecx,ecx
00000000`ff297cb3 e8ecc30000 call net1!help_help (00000000`ff2a40a4)
00000000`ff297cb8 cc int 3
00000000`ff297cb9 488b5210 mov rdx,qword ptr [rdx+10h]
00000000`ff297cbd eb85 jmp net1!xxaction+0x7d8 (00000000`ff297c44)
00000000`ff297cbf 488b5210 mov rdx,qword ptr [rdx+10h] parameter 2
00000000`ff297cc3 488b4f08 mov rcx,qword ptr [rdi+8] parameter 1
00000000`ff297cc7 e8b86d0000 call net1!user_add (00000000`ff29ea84)
0:000> u net1!user_add
00000000`ff29ea84 48895c2418 mov qword ptr [rsp+18h],rbx
00000000`ff29ea89 48896c2420 mov qword ptr [rsp+20h],rbp
00000000`ff29ea8e 56 push rsi
00000000`ff29ea8f 57 push rdi backed up in the stack
00000000`ff29ea90 4154 push r12
00000000`ff29ea92 4155 push r13
00000000`ff29ea94 4156 push r14
00000000`ff29ea96 4881ecb0020000 sub rsp,2B0h
0:000> ub ff29ec52
00000000`ff29ec37 66f2af repne scas word ptr [rdi]
00000000`ff29ec3a 48f7d1 not rcx
00000000`ff29ec3d 482bcd sub rcx,rbp
00000000`ff29ec40 4883f90e cmp rcx,0Eh
00000000`ff29ec44 7618 jbe net1!user_add+0x1da (00000000`ff29ec5e)
00000000`ff29ec46 8bd5 mov edx,ebp
00000000`ff29ec48 b9a0140000 mov ecx,14A0h ------- we’re prompting for a Y or N question from the user because of this error code
00000000`ff29ec4d e8c64a0000 call net1!YorN (00000000`ff2a3718)
0:000> !error 14A0h
Error code: (Win32) 0x14a0 (5280) - The password entered is longer than 14 characters. Computers with Windows prior to Windows 2000 will not be able to use this account. Do you want to continue this operation? %1:
0:000> kn
# Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00 00000000`001ff228 00000000`774a2f58 ntdll!NtRequestWaitReplyPort+0xa
01 00000000`001ff230 00000000`774d5321 kernel32!ConsoleClientCallServer+0x54
02 00000000`001ff260 00000000`774ea65c kernel32!ReadConsoleInternal+0x1f1 <----this prompts the question and is waiting for an input from the user
03 00000000`001ff3b0 00000000`ff2a3d0e kernel32!ReadConsoleW+0xbc
04 00000000`001ff490 00000000`ff2a7025 net1!GetString+0x56
05 00000000`001ff510 00000000`ff2a373f net1!LUI_YorNIns+0x221
06 00000000`001ff870 00000000`ff29ec52 net1!YorN+0x27
07 00000000`001ff8a0 00000000`ff297ccc net1!user_add+0x1ce
08 00000000`001ffb80 00000000`ff2a5fec net1!xxaction+0x860
Hmmm… So, when the passwords are > 14 characters – net1.exe shows a prompt and asks for a confirmation. Too bad my script was being launched by the task scheduler under the LOCAL SYSTEM account. Since that session was non-interactive, nobody sees or responds to the prompt. That’s why net1.exe appears to be hung!
Mitigation: Well, I can live with local accounts whose passwords are less than 14 characters. This is a test system anyway!