In Part 1 of this series, we found a way to dump the Web Credentials portion of Credential Manager. In this part, we will dump the Windows Credentials portion of Credential Manager. To do this, we make use of a Win32 API CredEnumerate() exposed in Advapi32.dll.
I have written a C# wrapper class that imports the API. After we call the function, we get back an array of CREDENTIAL structures.
[DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "CredEnumerate")]
public static extern bool CredEnumerate([In] string Filter, [In] int Flags, out int Count, out IntPtr CredentialPtr);
CredEnumerate(Filter, Flags, out count, out pCredentials)
Next, we loop through this array to retrieve the credentials. Each CREDENTIAL structure has a UserName, TargetName and CredentialBlob. For different type of credentials, the target name contains certain patterns.
TERMSRV\ –> RDP saved credential https://, http://, ftp: –> Web domain:target= –> SMB credential microsoftoffice –> Outlook and so on…
We can classify the credential based on pattern match and print it to the screen Here’s the full sample: